Monday, February 12, 2018

Miami, Florida and aboard SIRENA (Saturday, February 10)

We had a relaxed morning.  About 12:30 we boarded a bus for our transfer to SIRENA.  

The check-in process at the terminal was quick and easy.  By the time we finished lunch, our stateroom was ready. 

Our bags arrived mid-afternoon.  Unpacking was interrupted by the mandatory lifeboat drill.  Back in our cabin, we eventually got everything unpacked, but admitted to each other that some more considered organization of things would be required on our first day at sea.  
Looking at other cruise ships preparing to depart, it was clear that at 684 passengers and 400 crew, SIRENA was the runt of the litter.  (Factoid: Miami is the biggest cruise ship terminal in the world.)  

In decreasing daylight, SIRENA left the cruise terminal and moved into the channel.
Just after sunset, we cleared the channel entrance at South Beach and steamed out into the Atlantic.

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