Sunday, March 18, 2018

Cruising the Atlantic Ocean (Wednesday, March 14)

At 11:00 PM last night, the pilot boat pulled alongside SIRENA.  The pilot disembarked.  SIRENA exited the east end of the Beagle Channel and entered the South Atlantic Ocean.  Thankfully, Mother Nature was not waiting with a rude surprise.
This morning we awoke to a temperature in the mid-forty's with partly cloudy skies and nothing more that a modest sea swell.  Mid-morning it clouded over.  We had a rain storm that ended with some slushy hail.  The skies returned to partly cloudy with bright sunlight.  We had a second iteration of clouds, rain, hail and back to sun before the day settled into a partly cloudy one.  

In the afternoon it was announced that we would be leaving the Falklands an hour early tomorrow because of an approaching weather front.  

We did not see another ship all day, although my cellphone AIS app indicated some at times less that 25 miles away; mostly fishing vessels.  There were several brief, distant whale sightings.

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