Thursday, March 8, 2018

Cruising the Pacific Ocean (Sunday, March 04)

During the night we passed over 22.5 degrees south latitude - the Tropic of Capricorn - and so left the tropics. 

The weather today is overcast with the temperature attempting to get to 70oF.

At noon, SIRENA's Captain announced the unwelcome presence aboard of Norovirus.  Since the ship was apparently free of it on the previous leg of the trip, it would seem that it came on board in Lima, perhaps with the arrival of new passengers and crew, both segments of the ship's population now experiencing it.  

On previous voyages Pam & I have successfully avoided infection and will hopefully do so again this time.  Since the beginning of the trip, we have been almost fanatical about washing our hands and using Purell, so we are already in a habit the ship is now strongly encouraging along with other preventive measures. A fringe benefit of our extensive use of soap and disinfectant is that we can use our hands to sand woodwork.  

Throughout the day the ship's motion incremented slowly upward.  The stabilizers effectively dealt with much of the rolling, but the ship was pitching enough for some passengers to succumb to mal-de-mer.  

Even at this time of year, the further south we go the greater the likelihood that today's sea conditions will be remembered fondly.

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Meanwhile, back home, Mother Nature clobbered the Northeast with a major storm.  High winds toppled trees that knocked down power lines leaving over a million people in the dark.  Thankfully, we had no tree damage,  but our house is in the dark, EverSource having already sent us multiple assurances that power will be restored within a few hours, each new assurance pushing that time further into the future.  Neighbors have suggested that a realistic restoration time is early next week. 

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