Saturday, March 10, 2018

San Antonio, Chile (Tuesday, March 06)

We did not book a tour today.  One of the nice things about visiting places we have been before is a dramatic reduction in the self-imposed obligation to see a punch list of sites.  Most of the tours offered were to Chile's capitol Santiago or to the wine country.  We had been to Santiago twice before, doing a vineyards tour during one of those visits.  

We like Santiago and would have enjoyed visiting it again independently were it not for the 4-hour round trip drive from San Antonio.

The ship's information on San Antonio was sketchy and uninteresting.  The local information agent who came aboard after the ship docked was, not surprisingly, a bit more expansive and positive.  She encouraged us to walk along the promenade that began just outside the port gates.  We did.

It was a fun walk.  The promenade was largely undiscovered by our fellow tourists and the vendors along it not oriented toward foreigners, giving us a more natural experience seeing Chileans going about their lives.
Plaques for fishermen lost at sea.
It was cool today with the temperature getting up towards 70o F but drooping to 60o F on both ends.  This evening may have been the last time for a while that we can have dinner outside on the back deck, the temperature dropping so quickly as soon as we left the harbor that we wolfed down dessert so that we could get inside.

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Back home, we finally got our electrical power back, but another significant storm is due tomorrow.

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